Since my last blog, a lot has happened.....
To begin with,
Less than a year after my first miscarriage, I experienced another miscarriage. Two weeks shy of my 1 year anniversary of my first. This one was February 7th. Different circumstances. Unlike the last one, I did not bleed. I went in to get my first ultrasound thinking all was well only to find out there was no heartbeat.
I was shocked to say the least. We had this baby's chromosomes tested and it came back the extremely rare Trisomy 15. I was told chances are I would NEVER have that chromosome abnormality ever again even if I miscarried 10 more times. It was also not a genetic thing. Just a random fluke of nature.
During the chromosome typing we also found out this baby was a precious little girl. We gave her an identity - Gracie Elizabeth.
After that, I was done. I was happy with just my Hallie. Going through it once was hard, but twice was ever harder. Granted, I feel I handled this second miscarriage better emotionally, it took it's toll on me mentally. It had to be "my fault".
Fast forward 7 months to September 2011. I found myself unexpectedly pregnant. We were not trying. The two we tried for we lost. Hallie had been a surprise to us as well. Turns out, we're not good at "planning"pregnancies. They are better when they "happen" to us.
On June 1, 2012, I gave birth to my precious son, Gage Cooper. He has been such a joy and blessing in our house and family. I can't imagine life without him now and to think, I had shut myself off to the thought of trying again. I guess God had it in my life plan to prove me wrong and am I oh so every glad he did!
One of my close co-workers told me after my first miscarriage and reminded me after my second that there was a precious little soul just waiting for me. He finally arrived and when I look at him and my daughter, my heart explodes with love, joy and happiness.